
Purchase of Medicines

Many patients, especially children, fall ill and die from preventable and treatable diseases such as pneumonia, malaria, and dehydration (due to contaminated drinking water) because:

  • The healthcare system is lacking and inadequate
  • Access to a medical center is very difficult due to long distances and lack of transportation
  • There is significant financial hardship

At the “Annunciation” Health Center in Tulear, over 3,000 patients are served monthly, a large percentage of whom are children, who benefit greatly from the services. The IHA consistently spends approximately 15,000 Εuros monthly, ensuring that all necessary medications are provided completely free of charge to all patients without exception.

For these people, this support is invaluable. Given the conditions they live in, just accessing the clinic, let alone securing medical treatment, can be life-saving because, for them, the basic necessities are not guaranteed.